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pavement slab中文是什么意思

用"pavement slab"造句"pavement slab"怎么读"pavement slab" in a sentence


  • 路面板
  • 铺面板


  • Calculation of thermal warping stresses in cement concrete pavement slabs
  • Cause and repair of cracks occured in cement concrete pavement slabs
  • Much less steel fibers are evenly distributed on the surface and at the bottom of the pavement slabs , the middle body of which is composed of plain concrete
  • Firstly , this paper establishes the contact model of pavement and vehicles , and uses the method of transform domain analysis to get structural characteristic of pavement slab and the relation between suffered loads and its response
  • Meanwhile , the factors causing fissures in the pavement fall into three layers from down to up , namely , the bottom layer of the pavement slab - the formation and fissures & breakage of the transition layer between the pavement and base interface makes the chief reason for the formation of initial cracks and later fissures ; the middle layer - the pavement plate
    同时,将路面开裂的影响因素由下而上分为三个不同的层面,即:路面板底层? ?路面与基层界面之间过渡层的形成及其开裂,是导致初始裂缝形成和影响后期开裂的根本原因;中间层? ?路面板体。
  • Therefore , the present paper , based on the existing achievements as well as an extensive study & investigation in combination with part of the achievements the author has derived by hosting or participating in the research programs of the cement concrete pavement , has led to three phases of fissures and breaking in the pavement slab on the condition that each performance of the subgrade is maintained , i . e . stages of formation in initial cracks , of accumulation & expansion in ruptures and of fissures & breakage in the pavement
  • In order to overcome the scarcity of tensility , toughness and durability of layer steel fiber reinforced concrete ( lsfrc ) , layer - hybrid - fibers - reinforced - concrete ( lhfrc ) is offered . much less steel fibers are evenly distributed on the surface and the bottom about 10mm of the pavement slabs , the middle body of which is composed of polypropylene fiber concrete
  • Through the research and analysis on the three aspects concerning the base interface of the pavement panel , crack accumulation , expansion in the pavement panel and interaction between spring plates on the road surface as well as its damage on the road fatigue , it is first brought forth that the process of fissures and breakage in the cement concrete pavement can be divided into three stages , i . e . stage of initial crack formation and damage in the bottom of the pavement slab , stage of accumulation , intensifying & expansion in ruptures from load during the time of use and stage of fissures & breakage in the pavement
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